All manuscripts selected by the 2nd International Academic Forum for WoS Highly Cited Researchers (HCR2024) can be expanded and submitted by the authors to particular journals indexed in Web of Science, EI Compendex, and Scopus for peer review and publication. The decision on publication will depend on the peer-review process. The article recommended by the conference greatly increases the chance of acceptance.
Notes: Guides on submission and author instructions of your preferred journal will be provided separately via an email after the conference.
The topics include (but not limited to as followings):
Instructions for Authors
◆ The content of the paper is substantial and complete, the data is reliable, the charts are clear, and there is a certain degree of innovation;
◆ Paper language needs to be polished by foreign experts (Arrange by yourself or provide this service by the organizing committee);
◆ The paper checking rate is less than 15%;
◆ References and literature reviews can reflect the frontiers of international research;
◆ Papers funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the Ministry of Science and Technology or the Ministry of Education are preferred;
◆ No multiple submissions per manuscript, and no public publication in any other journals or conferences;
◆ Three peer review comments must be provided when submitting the paper (Please consult the conference staff for details).
◆ Please refer to the article format.